Quiz Creation Challenge #06: Under the Sea!


Run out of inspiration for cool, new quizzes? Want marginally increased traffic on your wonderful creations? Worry no longer, for the Quiz Creation Challenge is here!

The premise is simple: I give you a topic for a quiz, and then you create a quiz based around said topic. After a while, I'll play your quizzes and pick my favourite ones. The winners and their quizzes will be posted on my JetPunk blog for all to see. I ask that you please take the time to play the submissions of other people, and then comment, rate etc. I'll try to take this into account when writing my results.

So for this challenge, you'll need to create a quiz based around: Water! (which you may have already guessed if you read the title). The quiz could be about marine life, water vehicles, the many lakes and oceans we have here on Earth, or maybe you’ll make a quiz about a work of fiction with a heavy focus on water. Let your creativity run wild!

One thing that is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT for participants is to include #QCCWater somewhere in the title of your quiz. Additionally, you can put the URL to your quiz in the comments section of this post. It helps ensure that I find your quiz.

The deadline for this contest is April 12th (the next Monday after this post goes live), after which I will post the results... sometime after the submission period ends. I’d like to give my thoughts on some of the submissions so depending on how many people participate it might take longer or shorter than you'd expect. The winner won't receive anything beyond a nomination, but I hope that everyone participating has fun challenging themselves regardless!

One last thing... spread the word! A contest is no fun if it's just one or two people. I would like to see as many people participating as possible for a wide variety of quizzes!

Good luck, have fun, and may the best quiz maker win!

Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Remember to take other's quizzes and comment on them! I’ve found myself having trouble finding the motivation to write my thoughts, so you commenting on other people's submissions will really help me with that part of the process. Additionally it should increase user engagement so it's a win all around!
Level 59
Apr 5, 2021
bruh i was making a map of the islands of polynesia and then i saw this
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Islands might be a bit of a stretch, but if you can relate it back to water then all the power to you!
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
Thanks for this! I'm going to make a picture quiz.
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Cool! Good luck!
Level 68
Apr 5, 2021
Yay! I’ll try and participate in this one!
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Glad to hear it!
Level 43
Apr 5, 2021
Where are the results?
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
Of the last one? Haven’t finished them yet. Been taking quite a while so I’m gonna do a new QCC to try and get those creative juices flowing again.
Level 43
Apr 5, 2021
Level 43
Apr 5, 2021
Do you know a date you can send the results of QCC Holidays?
Level 65
Apr 5, 2021
I made one! Coral By Picture. The reason I didn't put the tag is because I want it to be thought of as a normal quiz, but it is still my submission as declared in a stick comment.
Level 60
Apr 5, 2021
That’s totally fine! That’s why I allow both methods of submission :)
Level 42
Apr 5, 2021
I'm making a quiz and I'm halfway through. It's almost bedtime because I'm in the UK
Level 42
Apr 5, 2021
Here is my quiz


Level 54
Apr 5, 2021
I haveparticipated to all the previous QCC, so I'll participate to this one. I just have to find an idea...

Thank you a lot for your come back on the RUB section!

Level 54
Apr 8, 2021
Well, I finally found a little idea.

It's a very easy quiz, but maybe it's original. I hope you will enjoy!

Level 55
Apr 7, 2021
Just finished. Here's mine.
Level 54
Apr 8, 2021
Can this quiz qualify for your challenge?
Level 52
Apr 8, 2021
Here is mine !

Thank you for making this challenge !

Level 54
May 9, 2021
Hi Insaniot!

Just to know, when do you think you will be able to publish the results?

Also, will you give the results of the previous QCC at the same time?

Thank you for your answers!

Level 60
May 9, 2021
I'm almost done with the results for this one, so as long as I don't be an idiot they should up sometime this week. Also for the last QCC the results will probably be up sometime after this one. Kinda weird, but that's just how it is I guess.
Level 54
May 16, 2021
Ok, nice, thank you! And you aren't idiot at all.