The Aventures of Ernie and Cletus The Southern Hillbillies


Chapter 1

Two boys were born in rural Vermillion Parish in Louisiana on a humid July morning the dad Bill from Far eastern Kentucky and the mom Sue directly from Manchester England and dated Erling Haalands dad and so that's why Roy Keane tried to kill him cause she wasn't bad looking but broke up with him and called him a dump truck. but the two boys before birth the Cajun doctor said "you have two boys comin both are gonna be a son of a gun" when they came one looked like he was gonna be bad to the biscuit the other one Ernie looked like he could eat up his weight in groceries. The other one Cletus was as jacked as Goku and his brother combined but there was only one problem... the family was poor so poor they could not bye a miligram of flour so they had to work hard on the cotton, wheat and tomato fields and if they gave up before the required limit was met then a baseball bat with a single sharp nail attached would give the boys the butt whooping of the millennium a thousand times over by three cletus could kill a Samson-Godzilla-Vegeta hybrid with the tap of a banjo and Ernie could beat his entire family tree in an arm wrestle and could draw a revolver and shotgun and shoot a grain of flour 900 yards away and apart and then grab a sword and slice the bullets faster than sonic playing all positions in baseball once

Stay tuned for chapter 2

Level 44
Jun 16, 2024
What do you think was the funniest part

and like i said it is for entertainment purposes only and its all fake and if you still get offended after reading this then i apologize please do not read chapter 2

Level 59
Jun 17, 2024
please use punctuation like periods and commas
Level 44
Jun 17, 2024
I did but there just far apart