The Weirdest Thing I Own


I don't have many weird things, but I think the story behind this one is quite funny.

This substance has been with me for like 7 years now, so what makes it so interesting?

Its smell.

The Story

Around 7-8 years ago, I liked slimes. They were very fun and gooey to play with. I went to so many random stores for the purpose of buying slime, and I had quite a few.

One day, I was out with my older cousin, who I had (painstakingly) convinced to buy me a slime. We went to a store, and I found a cool looking one. He bought it for me, and we went home.

At home, I opened the slime, and carefully touched it. Wow, it was the best slime I ever had! It was very squishy, but not loose, like play-doh, but less dry. I was very excited, and I played with it almost every day!

However, I played with it too much. As you play with slime, it gets harder and harder, probably because the water in it is evaporating or something, and it got dirtier and dirtier, eventually getting a brown colour. This absolutely sucked, and eventually, I stopped buying and playing with slime. I left my slime in random boxes throughout the house (I'm a very disorganised person), and that was how it was for a couple of years.

One day, maybe 2-3 years after I got the slime, I was with my friend at home, and we stumbled across this slime. I touched it, but over the years, it had gotten even harder, and now it had a rubbery feel. Which was kinda sad, I guess.

However, my friend had the perfect solution to this. "Why don't you soak it in water," he said, "it will moisten it up and make it soft again!" Well, stupid me believed him. I filled the little container the slime was stored in about halfway with water, and because it was so dirty, I added a bit of soap to clean it up. Marvelling at our smartness, we decided to leave it for a couple of days.

Me after thinking of this genius idea

Well, after a couple of days (or maybe more, I probably forgot about it haha) I found it. I carefully unscrewed the lid, and peeked inside. I was then hit with the worst smell I have ever smelled. I can't even describe it to you because I forgot how it actually smelled, but the trauma from then Is still deep in my mind. I literally didn't know what to do. I drained the soapy water out of the slime, closed it, and put it back.

Around 5 years later, I still have it. I have never opened it since. I think the smell has faded away, but I'm not risking it. You may be able to activate it again through soapy water, but I will not do this. I will probably never open it.

So why haven't I thrown it away? I'm honestly not sure. I guess it's kinda close to me now. Maybe it's because I have many interesting memories with it. I probably won't throw it away. Maybe I'll use it as a family heirloom or something,

Level 59
May 28, 2023
Open it
Level 69
May 28, 2023
Indeed, and record it in a .scent file for the rest of us to use.
Level 74
May 28, 2023
It’s likely radioactive
Level 68
May 29, 2023
I'm too young to die
Level 60
May 29, 2023
Open it
Level 66
May 29, 2023
maybe he should mail it to you
Level 68
May 29, 2023
I'm not risking it. I'll get PTSD or something.
Level 78
May 29, 2023
Forbidden Brownie !
Level 61
May 29, 2023
looks delicious
Level 59
May 30, 2023
I have a genius idea! Open it, add water, and add perfume! To change the color add some white food die, seal it up, and make a sequel blog. It will work, trust, trust
Level 65
Dec 5, 2023
this will have the additional effect of making it resemble a confectionary item enticing him to consume it the next time it is encountered
Level 74
May 30, 2023
This gave me PTSD of a certain photo of something else in a jar