Qy's 2nd Prediction for the 2024 Election


Hello everyone. If you've read my old prediction for the 2024 election, you'll know it was bad. Very bad. I've decided to do a little more analysis this time, and now I've produced a result that I believe to be fairly realistic. This assumes that:

- Joe Biden easily wins the Democratic re-nomination (this is almost certainly going to happen)

- The Republican primaries are hotly contested, but somehow DeSantis emerges victorious (it's still uncertain at this point, but DeSantis is a fairly popular Republican figure, and with the party somewhat moving on from Trump, it could happen)

- Donald Trump weathers up a storm on social media, but never does go for a third-party run (or he does, but it doesn't make too big an impact)

Now then, let's get onto the map.

Joe Biden
Ron DeSantis

Joe Biden - Democratic

Running mate: Kamala Harris (almost certainly)

Home state: Delaware

Occupation: President

Popular vote: 49 - 51%

Electoral vote: ~ 300

Ron DeSantis - Republican

Running mate: Nikki Haley (?, it's still really hard to say at this point)

Home state: Florida

Occupation: Governor of Florida

Popular vote: 46 - 48%

Electoral vote: ~ 230

No matter what I think of Joe Biden's policies, I don't see him losing re-election, especially against any of the Republicans on the forefront.

Of the states, I'm most uncertain about Arizona, but I think that 2020 was just an unusually bad showing for Republicans. They did pretty well there in 2022 and even maintain a hold on the state legislature. Even so, it's still a tough call.

Hopefully, this one was better than the first prediction. If so, or if you agree / disagree with my predictions, feel free to leave your thoughts below. If you want to make your own map, you may do so here.

Thanks for reading!

Level 69
Aug 13, 2023
UPDATE: I was wrong. DeSanctimonious has a snowball's chance in hell, and Trump will receive the nomination.
Level 68
May 28, 2023
I seriously doubt DeSantis is actually going to survive the primaries, He already compares pretty badly to Trump and his announcement that he was going to run for president was a disaster.
Level 69
May 28, 2023
The primaries are still unknowable at this stage. Both major players are running absolute garbage campaigns (just take a look at this video Trump posted on Instagram), but I think that Trump's conviction and unrefined behavior will ultimately hand him defeat.

The way I see it, if Republicans pick DeSantis, they're screwed. But if they pick Trump, they're doomed.

Level 68
May 29, 2023
Lol, I remember seeing that video. Trump may not be able to run a good campaign, but he's doing excellent at slandering DeSantis, which is easier to do and will probably help him more. Trump still somehow has the popularity of a lot of people, and can make a comeback (maybe with Russian help again). Everyone thought DeSantis would outpace Trump last year, but he's actually much more right-wing than Trump, and the things he's doing in Florida (like his mess with Disney) have a lot of potential to harm his reputation.
Level 69
May 29, 2023
Really, the primaries are too close to call right now. I may revise the prediction a third time if we get new information.
Level 68
Sep 10, 2023
Turns out I was right lol. DeSantis is struggling against Ramaswamy and basically has no chance. Trump will almost definitely win the primaries, but if he gets sentenced and can't run for president, Ramaswamy will probably win Trump supporters over. Either way, I'm not sure who would win the overall elections, but I think Ramaswamy would likely be at a slight disadvantage compared to Trump.

I think the situation has changed enough to need a third blog lol.

Level 69
Sep 10, 2023
True, true.

I'll hold off from the third blog until 2024. I don't want to look like a fool again, you know. 😢

Level 69
May 28, 2023
At least DeSantis is trying to look respectable, which will definitely help him amongst party moderates (who are a strong plurality, if not majority). Trump's campaign (if you can even call it that) is CAPS LOCK SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS and absurd videos.
Level 69
May 28, 2023
I predict polls will gradually shift in DeSantis' favor, especially with the backing of Florida.
Level 60
May 28, 2023
jetpunk’s resident politics dude.

Cool blog, but not up my alley. At election times I just like looking at the live map and watching all the states turn colorful, seeing who gains the next electoral college votes.

Level 69
May 28, 2023
True, always fun to have them call North Carolina or Arizona either way.

I wonder what would happen if a state went Libertarian. Would the graphics program have the correct colors?

Level 78
May 29, 2023
My grandad used to have a saying...

"Doesn't matter who you vote for, Government always wins"

No idea if it was his creation or he just picked it up, but what I think he was trying to say is that all politicians are cut from the same cloth ultimately. They are all looking out for themselves and to line their own pockets.

I wouldn't trust any of them tbh.

Level 69
May 29, 2023
I'd say vote Libertarian, but everybody knows it's unlikely they'd crack even 5%.

Unfortunately, there's no great solution to be found: so maybe we should all just move to New Hampshire.

Level 69
May 29, 2023
Nobody is really happy with the status quo except for big businesses. I imagine something must be done to put the government in the hands of citizens again, but we can't do that until we stop bickering over tan suits and golfing trips.
Level 78
May 29, 2023
It's the same here in UK, at least we have three main parties plus a myriad of others, but its the usual two that get most votes.

All the parties seem to do is try to discredit the opposition, rather than actually describing what they intend to do once in power.

Level 69
May 29, 2023
Can you blame them? It works.
Level 61
Jun 27, 2023
At this point it looks like trump is 99% going to be the 2024 Republican nominee
Level 61
Jun 27, 2023
Also I think North Carolina will stay red (if it’s DeSantis running) but other than that I’d agree with everything else
Level 66
Aug 29, 2023
Started working on one of our blogs. I've been preoccupied with attempting to beat all of TheNatureThread's quiz times. I need to shave off 23 seconds to beat TNT's time of 3:17 on Country Flags of the World quiz.
Level 69
Aug 29, 2023
Cool. Which blog?
Level 66
Aug 30, 2023
iceberg part V
Level 65
Dec 11, 2023
Level 59
Mar 9, 2024