Recent JetPunk Charts

JetPunk user-created charts which have been published in the last two months.

Prolly a one off chart dw

That oil money's prolly just flowing out of the country

Based on


This is a chart about the amount of modern countries of the Dutch Empire trough the years. The total amount of countries the Dutch Empire had all time was 66 countries.

Oceania:the Dutch were the first to invade Australia, New Zealand and Tonga, Fiji and other Island in Oceania. They discovered it and visited it, but they did not colonize it. So I don't count them in this chart. In Australia and New Zealand you also see many place names that were invented by the Dutch.

En este gráfico, se ve la cantidad de blogs españoles hasta el 29 de abril de 2024.

Share of respondents who have little trust in the safety of vaccinations.

2,000-5,900 respondents (18-64 y/o) per country surveyed Jan.-Dec. 2023.


English is not included.

Percent is growth since 10 years before the date.

Percent is growth since 10 years before the date.

Martres-Tolosane est une ville située en Haute-Garonne construite en forme ce cercle pas loin de la Garonne. Elle est connue pour sa faïencerie unique.

Voici l'évolution de sa population :

Das Alter der ältesten bekannten Personen pro Jahr im 19. Jahrhundert.

Nie wiem czy to wszystkie napiszcie w komentarzach.

Liczę Ten wykres.

Nie wiem jak naprawić to na dole (ma być tam data)

Sorry, I forgot Edison

W dniach 15–17 marca 2024 r. w Rosji odbyły się wybory prezydenckie. Były to ósme wybory prezydenckie w tym kraju. Urzędujący prezydent Władimir Putin "zwyciężył", zdobywając 88% głosów, co stanowi najwyższy odsetek w wyborach prezydenckich w poradzieckiej Rosji, zdobywając piątą kadencję, co było powszechnie uważane za przesądzone. Jego inauguracja planowana jest na 7 maja 2024 r.

No Quizmakers with less than 11 features.

The 10 or less than 10 hit wonders are gone.

The one hit wonders

Gaps are where JP/QM affiliate accounts are.

# of Telugu blogs


This i a chart where i post the worth of bitcoin on 31 december of every year from 2009 to 2024. The percentage is how much the worth of bitcoin has increased or declined towards the previous year.

Shows the number of people in each occupation group.

Those who are not in the community are not counted.

How many messages have each of the members on the Telugu JetPunk Discord server sent? The eleven members who spoke more than anyone are shown.

How many messages have each of the members on the Telugu JetPunk Discord server sent? The eleven members who spoke more than anyone are shown.

What percent of all messages were sent by TNT, Anti, Neo or Argo?

What percent of messages in each week were sent by TNT, Anti, Neo or Argo?

This is the Flag of Iceland. 🇮🇸

Nvm, this is the new largest chart on JP.

Largest chart on JP?

Here is a chart which shows the distribution between the number of takes of all my (cathlete) quizzes from most popular to least popular.

Ces courbes représentent l'évolution du rang global de chacun des plus grands créateurs de quiz francophones, auxquels s'ajoutent Freely, un créateur ayant une courbe atypique.

Diese Grafik zeigt die durchschnittlichen Listenpreise eines Elektroautos in China, Europa und den USA.

Während China mit einer Vielzahl von Marken Elektroautos in jeder Klasse anbietet, sind es in Europa, USA und weiteren Regionen Premiumautos, daher kommt der Preis zum einen. Auch die Förderung der chinesischen Regierung und niedrigere Arbeitskosten sorgen füt einen niedrigeren Preis.

In dieser Grafik wird die Anzahl der Elektroautos in den Top-3-Nationen China, USA und Deutschland aufgezeigt. Erhebung der Daten fand von 2012 bis 2022 statt.

In dieser Grafik wird die Anzahl der Ladesäulen für Elektro-Autos in China angezeigt. Ende 2022 gab es einen Anstieg um ca. 100% gegenüber dem Vorjahr.

Evolution du nombre d'acteurs et d'actrices mis en avant dans les quiz de la série Films avec [acteur/actrice] par image.

Inspired by this chart from Neodymium.

This is a chart of the amount of countries from 1824 to 2024. If you'd liked this chart, go check my other charts aswell if you want to

Sun with clouds or sky

This one was much faster than the American flag

This took me an hour and it only looks ok

this is a chart of the amount of countries in the last 2500 years. Now they are 196 countries in the world in 2024, how how many were there 2500 years ago, or 1000 years? I'd tell you that in this chart. In this quiz. Between the years 500 and 1600 there can be information that is nog totally right, but there is just not very much information about that.

A pineapple jack-o-lantern.

Here is a chart for the world population of the last 7000 years, The beginning year of this chart is 5000 before Christ and the last year of this chart is 2024.

Based off MG’s charts

This is the evolution of Brazil's population by region through the censuses.

Discrepancy between the takes that each of my quizzes have!

This is the distribution of my quiz takes as of March 21, 2024 at 1:53:00 PM, UTC -7: Pacific Daylight Time.

How many takes are in my most popular ones? How many low take quizzes do I have?

Ce graphique représente la part du quiz "Test de Rapidité : Allez de 1 à 100" par rapport à l'ensemble de mes quiz, en termes de prises.
La courbe bleue représente sa part dans mes prises quotidiennes.
La courbe rouge représente l'évolution quotidienne de sa part dans mes prises totales.