Neodymium's Charts

All JetPunk Charts created by Neodymium.

Made using JP data from UN data

AP and TS combined, 1951-2011

AP and TS combined, 1951-2011

Not cummulative

AcTuAlLy iTs ThIrD LeVeL SuBdIvIsIoNs

AcTuAlLy iTs ThIrD LeVeL SuBdIvIsIoNs

May 16's most missed question was "8. What Broadway musical is a modern day interpretation of the opera "La bohème"?" The answer was A) Rent, which only 27% of users answered correctly, with

47% guessing the Phantom of the Opera.

Prolly a one off chart dw

That oil money's prolly just flowing out of the country

Based on



English is not included.

Percent is growth since 10 years before the date.

Percent is growth since 10 years before the date.

Sorry, I forgot Edison

No Quizmakers with less than 11 features.