toowise's Blog

All public blogs written by JetPunk user toowise.
# of Blogs 82
# Subscribers 32

Yet another episode in my blog that takes a fun look at some strange lyrics in songs.

Another edition to my "Five Islands" blog series.

Ever wondered how a band decided on its name? Then this is the blog for you!

An update to my 2020 challenge of quizzes.

A Christmas Special of my hilarious blog series about musical gifts from various artists both old and new, but mostly old.

A sequel to my hilarious blog about songs that make you go "Wait, Hold Up"

Five more songs with dubious lyrics.

Yet another edition to my "popular" Five Islands blog series. This time "down under" !

This is a sequel to the previous blog of the same name (with the addition of "more" obviously).

Yet another addition to my Islands series of blogs....yeay !

A blog about the strange language phenomenon of rhyming slang.

Yet another Five Islands blog, You must be getting bored with these by now !

This blog is about specific places mentioned in the lyrics of songs.

Another addition to my "popular" Five Islands blog.

A blog about those songs whose lyrics just don't make sense in the real world.

The next edition to my long running series. Iran and the Indian Subcontinent.

This blog is about my favourite songs from several musical genres, There is a Spotify Playlist link at the end if you want to listen to them all.

An update on my quiz updates, plus a little bit about me.

Information on some of my quizzes...

A follow-on blog from my Animals on Road Signs edition.

A much belated edition of my "Five Islands" blog series.

A blog about famous landmarks that have been copied around the world.

The fifth and (hopefully) final episode of the African section of my Five Islands blog series.

As the title says, a blog about statues that are considered lucky.

A short tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The 4th edition to the African section of my "Five Islands" blog series.

A blog about the humble roundabout, a feature of our roads worldwide.

The third edition to the African section of my "Five Islands" blog series.

Title says it all really. My thoughts on roadsigns that have animals on them. Thumbnail pic is an AI creation entitled "bird on stopsign".

The second Africa edition to my blog series.

The next edition in my blog series, all about islands in Africa...

The next edition to my blog series, featuring islands of the eastern Mediterranean Sea and of the Black Sea.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here are five more islands for your delectation, on this occasion, Greece.

Yet another edition to my Blog series.

Another edition to my "Five Islands" blog series.

My ninth blog in this series, this time Denmark .

The seventh edition of my Small Islands series. This time Portugal.

My latest blog in the Islands series. This time, Ukraine.

The next edition to my Small Islands Blog is the islands of Italy.

The next blog in my "Small Islands" series. This time we are in Spain.

The fourth in the blog series, here are five of the smaller, lesser known islands belonging to Germany .

Following on from the British Islands blog, here are five of France's smaller islands for you.

Here are five more islands from around the British Isles that you may or may not have heard about.

There are many smaller islands of the British Isles, many unknown around the world. Here are some of the more interesting ones.

A blog about the overseas territories currently administered by the United Kingdom.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Ever wondered why a city is named what it is ? Find out what these capital city's names mean and where they originated.

Just some more of the stranger named places in the UK and a little bit about them.

Just some of the stranger named places in the UK and a little bit about them.

The history and differences in road transport

"He is closer now and the search is on

Reading from a map in the mind

Yes there's the ragged hill

And there's the boat on the river"

Dont Pay The Ferryman - Chris de Burgh

This is a blog about the county I was born and live in.

Just my thoughts on making quizzes.

The last one in this series !