Interesting Facts - Page 191

In his will, Benjamin Franklin donated 1000 pounds sterling (worth about $272,000 today) to the cities of Boston and Philadelphia. But his gifts came with some strings attached. For the first century, the cities were required to invest 100% of the money. After a century they could spend 75% and let the remaining 25% grow for another century. So did compound interest make the cities fabulously wealthy? Not really. After 200 years, the gifts were worth a relatively modest $6 million combined.
In 1745, Ben Franklin wrote a letter to a friend entitled "Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress". In the letter, Franklin gives eight reasons why an older mistress is to be preferred.
It takes a typical climber 6 weeks to ascend from Everest base camp to the summit. A Sherpa climber once did it in less than 11 hours. A different Sherpa climber once spent 21 hours on the summit without supplemental oxygen.
In 1970, Cancún, Mexico only had three residents – the caretakers of a local coconut plantation. By 2020, the population was nearly one million.
As a young man, Napoleon wrote a semi-biographical romance novel.
Level 65
Jan 27, 2024

History could have been quite different, had Napoleon pursued writing instead of warmongering

Level 51
Jan 28, 2024
same with hitler had he been accepted at art school
Level 61
Feb 1, 2024
Apparently Cancun had 120 residents. Not 3
Level 65
Feb 2, 2024
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