Neodymium's Charts

All JetPunk Charts created by Neodymium

Based on



English is not included.

Percent is growth since 10 years before the date.

Percent is growth since 10 years before the date.

Sorry, I forgot Edison

No Quizmakers with less than 11 features.

The 10 or less than 10 hit wonders are gone.

The one hit wonders

Gaps are where JP/QM affiliate accounts are.

# of Telugu blogs


Shows the number of people in each occupation group.

Those who are not in the community are not counted.

How many messages have each of the members on the Telugu JetPunk Discord server sent? The eleven members who spoke more than anyone are shown.

How many messages have each of the members on the Telugu JetPunk Discord server sent? The eleven members who spoke more than anyone are shown.

What percent of all messages were sent by TNT, Anti, Neo or Argo?