cuotak's Blog

All public blogs written by JetPunk user cuotak.
# of Blogs 57
# Subscribers 38

This is about one of the major Cantopop music awards in Hong Kong.

Brought to you by your resident JetPunk Cantopop blogger


A blog on trivia of Hong Kong not well known to the outsiders

This is the final of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the seventh of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the sixth of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the fifth of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the fourth of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the third of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the second of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

This is the first of the series on introducing all Chinese cities with over 1 million population.

If you have never visited the city and wonder what it looks like, you can watch these music videos.


This is a rather nerdy analysis of FIFA World Cup 2022 statistics. Proceed with caution.

I'm writing a series introducing some of my favourite artists and their songs, including the lyrics for some of them.

I'm writing a series introducing some of my favourite artists and their songs, including the lyrics for some of them.

I'm writing a series introducing some of my favourite artists and their songs, including the lyrics for some of them.

I'm writing a series introducing some of my favourite artists and their songs, including the lyrics for some of them.

I'm writing a series introducing some of my favourite artists and their songs, including the lyrics for some of them.

I'm writing a series introducing some of my favourite artists and their songs, including the lyrics for some of them.

I'm writing a series introducing some of my favourite artists and their songs, including the lyrics for some of them.

I'm writing a series introducing some of my favourite artists and their songs, including the lyrics for some of them.

I created many quizzes with SVG over the years. This blog goes through some of my SVGs, from the good, the bad to the ugly.

There is a fascination of π in general. But there is another equally important number that deserves much more attention. This blog tries to explain what e is and why you should know more about it.

As the Chinese New Year of Tiger celebration is drawing to a close this year, here is a blog explaining some common Chinese idioms with reference to tiger.

This blog is an introduction to many Chinese green leafy vegetables.

There is an old Chinese saying "one life, two luck, three feng shui". This blog explains what lead to success and happiness according to Chinese philosophy.


Let's face it, English is complicated and often doesn't make much sense. Why don't we make it easier for everyone?

This blog introduces the Heart Sutra, one of the most frequently used and recited writings in Mahayana Buddhism.

Beside the question of Cyprus being in Asia or Europe, or Australia being the largest island or the smallest continent, the question on which city is the largest in the world is one of the most contentious subjects on JetPunk. So let's examine the question further in this blog.

I watched White Lotus recently and a question asked by one of the characters in the drama was "what do you stand for?". So let's see if any of these fits you.

This is the final of the series going through some of the cities I have visited so far.

This is the sixth of the series going through some of the cities I have visited so far.

This is the fifth of the series going through some of the cities I have visited so far.

This is the fourth of the series going through some of the cities I have visited so far.

This is the third of the series going through some of the cities I have visited so far.

This is the second of the series going through some of the cities I have visited so far.

This is the first of the series going through some of the cities I have visited so far.

This is the final of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the tenth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This blog describes some of the fixed links (bridges/tunnels) across water connecting islands, peninsulas and continents that are in operation, under construction, proposed and imagined.

A quick blog summarising the most memorable and exciting competitions/matches that I have watched in the second week of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

A quick blog summarising the most memorable and exciting competitions/matches that I have watched in the first week of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics

This is the ninth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the eighth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the seventh of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the sixth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the fifth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the fourth of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the third of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the second of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

This is the first of the series on introduction to Chinese history, including some notable events and interesting stories.

As I have lived in and visited many cities with crazy property prices, I'm writing a blog to examine the issue and lament the situation.

I translated a song lyric for my friend and thought that I could share it here too, as well as a brief on Cantopop, its lyrics, and the situation in Hong Kong in general

To master the cities quizzes in JetPunk, it's essential to know your Chinese cities. It's evident that most JetPunk users find it difficult to remember the names of the hundred of Chinese cities, as they seem all similar and are spelt weirdly for the westerners. Here's a short guide on how to make sense of these for non-Chinese here.